Recall Extract Specifications
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ID Matching
Artera must be provided with a single, unique identifier for each patient and Recall between all Recall flat files. The IDs for Location, event type, and resource must match values sent for other Artera integrations (API, HL7, etc). For example, if the provider's internal EPM ID is sent on an HL7 feed, the EPM ID should also be sent in the extract (rather than, say, the NPI).
Artera uses these IDs for matching in order to update the associated information with that ID, such as a patient’s name. If different IDs are provided for the same Resource value (i.e. a provider), duplicate Resources will appear in Artera. If IDs are shared between any two values, information will be overwritten with the latest received for that ID.
For Recalls, if using appointment matching rules to complete a Recall, it is even more important to ensure the Event Types, Locations and Resources for the Recall match the appointment interface to Artera or matching rules will not work.
If a Recall ID already exists in Artera, any new Recall file with the Recall ID will overwrite any existing information in Artera for that Recall with the information contained in the CSV.
File Format
The file sent to Artera should be as a CSV to avoid formatting issues (e.g leading zeros on an identifier). Each row of the file should represent one Recall. A column must be present for each and every data element listed below, even if you are not sending that data field.
Be sure to leave a blank column in order to prevent formatting issues.
Data Elements
The table below contains all of the data elements that can be included in the Recall extract. The first column of the table contains the name of each field and the second contains a description of that field. The actual CSV does not need to contain a header row.
The third column indicates whether the field is required. Please note that if a field is optional but is sent in another integration you have with Artera, you must include it in the Recall file.
For example, if you send patient contact preferences on an HL7 interface with Artera, you must also send it in the extract. Otherwise, Artera will interpret the blank value as the patient having removed their preference and our system will update accordingly.