Enterprise Insights Report
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Table of Contents
Accessing the Enterprise Insights Report Enterprise Insights Report Filters Communications SummaryOutbound Communications by PracticeIntegrated Vendor CommunicationsAppt Reach by PracticeHigh Volume PatientsPatient Opt OutsCampaign DeliverabilityBroadcast DeliverabilityFAQsThis article explains the Enterprise Insights Report, which highlights key metrics that demonstrate the effectiveness of Artera across your Enterprise and helps you discover opportunities for improvement. NOTE: The Enterprise Insights report will only display data in your production environment.
Click here to learn about the Practice Insights report. NOTE: The Enterprise Insights report is only available to Enterprise users.
Accessing the Enterprise Insights Report
Select Insights from the Navigation Bar:
Select Enterprise Insights:
Enterprise Insights Report Filters
Enterprise users can filter the Enterprise Insights report to view data across their entire Enterprise or to view data for specific Artera Practices. A timeframe filter is also available to help narrow or expand the time range of the data they would like to assess.
By default, the Enterprise Insights report displays data for the last 7 days. The available timeframe options are:
Last 7 Days
Last 30 Days
Is between (enter Start and End date)
Is on (enter a date)
Communications Summary
Total Outbound Communications: Displays the distinct count of outbound communications to patients within the selected timeframe and for the selected Practices.
Total Failed Communications: Displays the distinct count of outbound communications that fail to deliver to patients for any reason within the selected timeframe and for the selected Practices.
Communication Delivery Rate: Displays the percentage of successful outbound communications to patients within the selected timeframe and for the selected Practices. This metric is calculated by dividing total outbound communications by total failed communications.
Response Rate: Displays the percentage of "confirm," "cancel," and "reschedule" responses to appointment reminders over the total count of appointment reminders sent in the selected timeframe.
Confirmation Rate: Displays the percentage of "confirm" responses to appointment reminders over the total count of appointment reminders sent in the selected timeframe.
Appointments Reached: Displays the total count of appointments for which an appointment reminder was sent over the total count of appointments in the selected timeframe.
Outbound Communications by Practice
This graph displays the count of outbound communications to patients broken down by Message Type (Message Class) and Practice (displayed on the Y-axis). NOTE: "Other" includes subsequent step replies within a Conversation Flow, Holiday Hours messages, and other types of messages.
Integrated Vendor Communications
This chart displays the count of outbound MessagingAPI messages by vendor within the selected timeframe and for the selected Practices.
Appt Reach by Practice
This table displays the count of appointments for which an appointment reminder was sent for over the total count of appointments in the selected timeframe, broken down by Practice.
High Volume Patients
This table displays the names of patients who have received greater than 5 outbound messages in the same day, within the selected timeframe and for the selected Practices, along with the breakdown of Message Types (Message Class) they received.
- Clicking on a patient’s row will present the user with an “Open Unified Communication Profile” link. Selecting this will open a new tab for the user displaying the Patients Area.
Patient Opt Outs
This table displays the names of patients who have opted out of receiving text messages across the Enterprise or selected Practice(s), within the selected timeframe, along with the Message Types (Message Class) they received and the outbound message copy. This is the text of the last message they received prior to opting out.
Campaign Deliverability
This table displays the Campaigns that were run within the selected timeframe, in which Practice(s), along with a breakdown of the Campaign’s Delivery Count and Successful Delivery Rate.
Broadcast Deliverability
This table displays the Broadcasts that were sent to patients within the selected timeframe, in which Practice(s), along with a breakdown of the Total Messages sent to patients from that Broadcast, the Total Failed Messages from that Broadcast, and the Line that sent that Broadcast.
Can Staff or Manager Users access the Enterprise Insights report?
No, only Enterprise Users can access the Enterprise Insights report. -
Our Enterprise is interested in additional Artera reporting. Where can we learn more?
If you are an Analytics Plus customer, select the Open Artera Analytics Plus tab on the Insights page to be routed to Analytics Plus for additional reporting needs.
If you are not an existing Analytics Plus customer but are interested in additional Artera reporting, connect with your Customer Success Representative for details on Analytics Plus.