Internal Mentions
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Table of Contents
Internal Mentions OverviewAutomatic MentionsManual MentionsCreating an Internal MentionViewing Your MentionsInternal Mentions by PracticeResolving Internal MentionsRecently Resolved MentionsInternal Mentions simplify collaboration across Artera, bringing together all relevant parties and ensuring action items make it into the hands of the correct individuals.
You can tag individual users, User Groups, or Enterprise User Groups when creating an Internal Mention. The tagged user(s) are automatically granted temporary permissions to the Patient Channel where the Internal Mention was created, even if they would not normally be able to access the Patient Channel.
Internal Mentions Overview
Internal Mentions can be created manually or automatically by Artera.
Automatic Mentions
- Inbound Message Triggers can be used to automatically trigger an Internal Mention creation. A common example of this is creating an Internal Mention tagging a specific User or User Group when the patient texts in a keyword such as “billing.” Click here to learn more.
Conversation Flows Actions can create Internal Mentions for Enterprise Users or Enterprise User Groups based on the patient response. Click here to learn more.
Manual Mentions
You can also create Internal Mentions directly within a Patient Channel.
Creating an Internal Mention
Let’s review:
- Open the Patient Channel where you would like to create the Internal Mention.
Select @Internal from the Send To options.
Use the @ symbol to tag a User, User Group, or Enterprise Group. Once you type the “@” symbol, you will receive some suggestions about who you might be trying to message internally. These suggestions appear in the following order: User Groups (Practice-specific), Users (Staff/Manager and Enterprise), then Enterprise Groups. NOTE: You are unable to internally mention Staff or Manager Users who do not have access to the Practice where you are using the Internal Mention feature. Enterprise Users are not limited to a specific Practice and can be internally mentioned in any Practice.
Type the corresponding message. You can use Smart Phrases, Quick Responses, and Attach Files as needed. Note: This message will not be visible to the patient.
Select Send Internal. This will automatically do two things:
Notify the tagged user, User Group, or Enterprise User Group by updating the count on the Inbox > Mentions view and adding the Patient Channel to the Open Mentions list. NOTE: If a user has 1,000+ unresolved Mentions, the Mentions tab will read 999+.
Note: Enterprise User Group members with a selected secondary notification method will also get an Email or Text notification. Individual users who are internally mentioned will receive an email notification the next day if the Internal Mention has not been resolved. See the table below for examples of External User notifications.
Place the channel in a Pending status.
Notify the tagged user, User Group, or Enterprise User Group by updating the count on the Inbox > Mentions view and adding the Patient Channel to the Open Mentions list. NOTE: If a user has 1,000+ unresolved Mentions, the Mentions tab will read 999+.
External User Notifications
Individual Tagged User: Email | Enterprise User Group: Text | Enterprise User Group: Email |
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Viewing Your Mentions
Access your Internal Mentions from the Mentions view in the Inbox. You will be able to view and access your Internal Mentions that were created across Practices from the Open Mentions view.
Patient Channel Access
Standard Access: For Patient Channels that you have regular access to, you can review the Internal Mention from any of the four available views: Recent, Scheduled, Starred, or Mentions. A red dot indicates that you have an open Mention that needs to be addressed.
Temporary Access: If you do not normally have access to the Patient Channel you have been tagged in, you will only be able to access the Patient Channel from your Mentions view.
Internal Mentions by Practice
If you have access to multiple Practices, you will be able to see how many open Mentions there are within each Practice. To view this, navigate to the Practice drop-down. A Practice with open mentions will display a numbered red dot that indicates the total amount of unresolved open Mentions. A Practice with no red dot indicates that there are no open Mentions at that time.
Resolving Internal Mentions
Internal Messages are designed for Artera users to communicate through the platform without the patient seeing these comments. When you receive an Internal Mention, you will likely need to take an action to resolve the request. You can resolve an open Mention in a few different ways:
Messaging the Patient
Whether you are tagged individually or as a group member, messaging the patient will resolve the open Mention. If you are part of the group, messaging the patient will resolve the Internal Mention for the entire group.
If a Patient Channel has multiple outstanding Internal Mentions to different users, sending a patient message will only resolve your mentions, unless you are an Enterprise User. If an Enterprise User messages a patient with unresolved Mentions, all Mentions will be automatically resolved even if the Enterprise User does not belong to the group or is not the user who was mentioned.
Do note that you cannot send a message to a patient unless you are navigated to the Practice where the Internal Mention was created in.
Manually Resolving the Mention
Use the (...) menu next to the Internal Mention, select the User/Group, and click Resolve Mention.
If a Patient Channel has multiple outstanding Internal Mentions to different users, Managers and Staff users will only be able to manually resolve the Internal Mentions they are tagged in. Enterprise Users will be able to manually resolve any open Mentions within the Patient Channel.
Internal Mentions can be manually resolved from a Patient Channel regardless of the Practice a user is currently navigated to.
Updating the Channel Status
You can also update the Channel Status from Pending to Closed.
Staff & Manager Users will be able to Close & Resolve My Mentions (the mentions they or a User Group they belong to are directly tagged in). Resolving the open Mention will automatically update the Channel Status to Closed. However, if the Patient Channel still contains other unresolved Mentions, the Patient Channel will remain Pending.
Enterprise Users will also have the ability to "Close & Resolve All Mentions", allowing them to resolve Internal Mentions that they have not been tagged in. This will automatically close the Patient Channel.
Recently Resolved Mentions
Internal Mentions that you have recently resolved will display in the Recently Resolved section for 24 hours after resolution.