Starred Patients
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Artera users can star or “pin” Patient Channels to their Starred Patients view and see which other users have starred those same Patient Channels. The Starred Patients view is useful for keeping specific Patient Channels easily accessible while you wait for a response, curating specific lists of patients for sending Broadcasts, or letting other users in your Practice know that you are handling this patient.
Starred Patients View
The Starred Patients view contains a list of Patient Channels you have personally starred. Starred patients follow the same order as the Recent view, with open Patient Channels appearing at the top of the list, then pending Patient Channels, followed by closed Patient Channels.
Star a Patient
You can star or unstar a patient from any view. Simply select the star icon to the left of the patient's name. Starred/pinned Patient Channels have a shaded, black star. Unpinned Patient Channels have an unshaded star.
Who else has starred the patient?
You can view which other Artera users have a Patient Channel starred from the Patient Facesheet. The Pinned By section displays the initials of other Artera users who currently have starred that Patient's Channel. Hover over the initials to display the user’s full name.
In some multi-disciplinary teams, multiple staff members may be in communication with the same patient.
If you need to send a specific group of patients a Broadcast message for something like picking up a prescription, we recommend using the Starred view. This is more convenient than manually messaging or calling patients individually.