Appointment Status Updates
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Appointment statuses in Artera may not writeback to your EMR for many reasons. Often, the EMR simply cannot support a status (e.g. Reschedule).
Default Setting
Ensure that statuses chosen in the Channel Opening Appointment Statuses Default Setting match the statuses that do not write back to your EMR.
For example, if your EMR does not accept a status of "cancel," then select Cancel Appointment as one of your Channel Opening Appointment Statuses. This ensures that when a patient selects that option in response to an appointment confirmation message, the Patient's Channel will open in the Recent Messages view for Staff users to address.
Recent Messages
When the Patient Channel opens, users monitoring the Recent Messages view can make the corresponding update in the EMR or respond back to the patient, as needed.
Reminders-Only with No Writebacks
If your organization does not currently support conversational messaging and your EMR does not accept any appointment status writebacks, we recommend monitoring the Scheduled view for a daily view of appointment attendance.
Depending on which confirmation options you accept from patients (Confirm, Cancel, Reschedule) and which appointment statuses write back to your EMR, you will need to identify and update the used statuses that do not writeback. For example, if your EMR does not accept "cancel" or "reschedule" as an appointment status, you will focus on updating these in your EMR.
Filters are very helpful for sending Broadcasts. Also, if you are only responsible for a specific provider’s schedule, you can limit your search to that Provider to simplify your appointment status updates.
Tip: To clear your filters, click Clear Selection, then click Apply Filters.
Update Your EMR
1. Open your EMR. Look up the patient by MRN (patient ID), name, or date of birth.
2. Update the patient's appointment status within your EMR.
3. Once the appointment status is updated in your EMR, Artera will reflect this almost instantly.