User Types
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Artera (formerly WELL) has three user account types. Each has different access levels to Artera features and settings.
Enterprise User
Enterprise Users have access to all Practices and can both configure and use Artera without any restriction. Enterprise Users have the ability to manage Staff and Manager Users’ Permissions. Enterprise Users can also be referred to as Admin Users.
Click here to learn more about creating Enterprise users.
Manager User
Manager Users have access to a specific Practice with all Phone Lines and Resources, but may have some restrictions depending on Permissions set by Enterprise Users. This access level is designed for users overseeing individual departments and will have more access to settings compared to Staff Users.
Click here to learn more about creating Manager Users.
Staff Users
Staff Users have access to one specific Practice. They may have Phone Line and Resource restrictions AND other restrictions depending on Permissions set by Enterprise Users. This access level is designed for limited to no access to global settings.
Click here to learn more about creating Staff Users.